
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jasmine Ice Cream

WARNING. This ice cream is delicious!

Jasmine Ice Cream
20g jasmine tea leaves
1.25 c cream
0.75 c milk
4 yolks
1/8 tsp kosher salt
90 g sugar

Measure milk and cream into a 1-quart Pyrex measuring cup. Pour 1 cup of the mixture into a small heavy bottom saucepan with half of the sugar and set it over medium heat until it reaches 120 F or just steaming, whisking occasionally to dissolve the sugar. Remove from heat and pour into a glass measuring cup containing the tea leaves. Steep for 3 minutes and strain the milk back into the sauce pan over medium heat, heating it until just boiling. Meanwhile, wash and dry the fine mesh strainer and set it over the Pyrex measuring cup containing the reserved cup of cold milk and cream. Whisk yolks with remaining sugar until pale yellow and sugar is dissolved. Splash a little hot milk into the yolks and whisk immediately; stream in the rest of the milk while whisking, and return the mixture to the saucepan over medium low heat, whisking constantly until mixture reaches 180 F. Strain immediately into the cold milk and cream; whisk to blend. Add salt to taste and whisk well to dissolve the salt. Cover with plastic wrap and cool overnight in the fridge; churn the next morning, after breakfast, when you can eat ice cream from the machine.


  1. This is one of my most favorite flavors in tea and I wonder why I never thought of ice cream with this? I love this recipe.

  2. I just purchased a tiny little vial of Jasmine Essential oil from Aftelier Perfumes and was searching for inspiration on how to use it in ice cream and this recipe looks perfect!

    Also... those macarons might be some of the most beautiful I've ever seen! What is the powder that you used for decoration?

  3. Wow awesome. scoured the internet today to find anyone who's done a jasmine tea icecream. We made sth very similar to this today and it is the best kind of mix between east and west - refreshing, subtle, creamy and luxurious =)
